Oh, what a treat this morning. Not only do we have a letter from Clive Owen, we have the complete opposite of a biscuit-tingling man, Chris Brown. Chris was on Good Morning America this morning to promote his new album. He not only performed but he also was interviewed by GMA’s Robin Roberts. Robin asked Chris some questions about how he beat the crap out of Rihanna, and Chris answered those questions with grace and humility, honestly speaking about his struggle to contain his violent temper tantrums. Just kidding! He freaked out and punched a window. Seriously.
Chris Brown exploded in rage behind the scenes at “Good Morning America” this morning … smashing a window and storming out without a shirt … sources tell TMZ … and it was triggered by on-air questions about the Rihanna incident.
ABC sources tell TMZ … Brown performed and was interviewed by Robin Roberts live from the Times Square studio when she began asking about the infamous incident. Brown tried to redirect the questions to focus on his album — but Roberts continued to ask about Brown’s legal issues stemming from the Rihanna incident. We’re told after the interview, Brown freaked out, storming into his dressing room and screaming so loud, the people in hair and makeup became alarmed and called security.
We’re told Brown was out of control, and one source present tells us he smashed a window in his dressing room, and the glass shattered and some shards fell onto 43rd and Broadway. ABC security tells TMZ … the window was shattered with a chair.
We’re told by the time security rushed the area, Brown had ripped off his shirt and left the building, blowing off another performance he was supposed to do for the ABC website. And sources say … on his way out of the building, Brown confronted a segment producer, got in his face and stared him down. People from the show got in between Chris and the producer to diffuse the situation.
Remember — Brown is on probation for the felony beating and he’s required to obey all laws.
UPDATE 6:49 AM: Brown just tweeted, “I’m so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t.”
UPDATE 6:59 AM: Brown has already deleted the previous tweet … and added a new one that reads, “All my fans!!! This album is for you and only you!!! I’m so tired of everyone else!! Honestly!! I love team breezy!!”
[From TMZ]
So basically, Chris Brown is still a violent sociopath who will freak out, violently, if something doesn’t go his way. His temper tantrums and freakouts and asinine behavior are just ridiculous. He’s a little bitch, and I hope he has to face some real consequences for his behavior. Bring it, Team Breezy.
Here’s the interview that set him off:
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Wow. Well, that’s what happens when you let him clean roads instead of putting his ASS IN JAIL to begin with!
**waves good-bye to CB’s “comeback”**
He repulses me. My skin LITERALLY just crawled.
totally a bitch.
What anger issues. Crazy ass—-
I just saw that on Idontlikeyouinthatway (and The Superficial has the picture of his twitter).
This motherf*cker will never learn because basically he simply doesn’t regret anything, he shows no remorse whatsoever! Wait, what am I saying? He probably thinks he did nothing wrong (when he beat the shit out of Rihanna).
@ happygirl:
Wow. Well, that’s what happens when you let him clean roads instead of putting his ASS IN JAIL to begin with!
So, uh, Mr. Grown-Ass Man, how’s that anger-management stuff workin’ out for ya?
it’s odd he can’t comprehend that beating a woman would have lasting social and legal consequences.
That’s a probation violation. Here’s to hoping he gets jail time!
Dear Chris Brown,
Go fuck yourself.
The World
I am not a big fan of meeting violence with violence, but in this case I would love to see this stupid little boy get his bitch-ass handed to him.
Preferably by a couple of women.
Why is ANYONE still paying attention to this JACKASS?
What an entitled prick. OBVIOUSLY he just went through the motions of what the court asked of him and not one iota of what he was taught stuck.
You know that one of his ‘entourage’ is going to take the fall for breaking the window. No way they let him go down for it.
And that crotch-grabbing, buttoned-up, weenie-boy picture is quite the classic. Never lose that one.
So the one day I turn off GMA.. look what I miss.
Dude.. epic FAIL! Just when some were actually starting to like you again.. foolish little boy!
One of his singles came on the radio the other day and I went “WHAT? Chris Brown is still making music and we’re STILL PLAYING IT?”
Boom. Bitch. Bye.
He’s just proving what a loser he really is.
I co-sign your post, Roma! Looks like his angers completely under control, huh?
If he wants a music career and fame, he’s going to be asked about this. It’s just a fact of his life, he made these bad choices, he will be asked about them as long as he continues to put himself out there. If he doesn’t want to hear it, GO AWAY!
And please, NO ONE is “praising” Charlie Sheen, and drawing that parallel isn’t really helping his argument.
Trouble is, his fan-base (buncha weenie-waving, violent, gun-toting, misogynistic little pussies) LOVE it when he pulls sh*t like this. As long as there’s an audience to feed his sense of entitlement to act like a rude douche, he’ll keep doing it and NEVER admit he was wrong. That’s just a sign of weakness.
he def sucks, although I do have to say he has somewhat of a valid point. Charlie Sheen has done a lot of awful things to women over the years, and people seem to love him. unbelievably.
but, yeah, why is brown’s stuff being played?
@happygirl…so true.
F.A.M.E – F*cking Asshole Microphallus Egomaniac
And that is exactly what you are Chris.
He will just put down a fake-tear fill performance and be back with another album
It’s everyone else’s fault.
Wonder if this will finally kill his career for good? This behavior is disgusting. I’m not quite understanding Chris was infuriated because a REPORTER asked him about the highly publicized beating while he was voluntarily being interviewed. If you don’t want to be asked those questions, maybe you shouldn’t be giving interviews to promote your album. He obviously hasn’t changed, he still doesn’t feel any real remorse and now he’s smashing windows and endangering more people. Just when you think he can’t dig the hole any deeper…
Thug. Loser. No talent. Creepy. Hair a joke. Hell, HE’s a joke.
even after he tried to steer the conversation away from rihanna and the incident multiple time she still came back to it. what more did she want him to say? he pleaded guilty, he completed his anger management, he’s still doing his community service, is involved in charities and has APOLOGIZED DOZENS OF TIMES. what more is there for him to do?
And people act as if he doesn’t have a right to move on with his life, SMFH, ROBIN WAS WRONG.
Ooooh, I can’t wait to see if that one particular CB fan on here who defends him is going to weigh in. Please, please, please do!! I wanna hear this!
I guess he thought everyone would just forget he beat the crap out of Rhianna? No such luck, loser. There are consequences for your actions and it’s a pity that you don’t seem to know or understand that, or care. Your mother should have kicked your ass long ago.
Shame the boy never learned how to turn this “situation” into a positive, productive, learning experience.
Had he shown true remorse, checked into some type of rehab/anger management program, maybe even been involved in speaking out against violence in relationships and how witnessing his mother being abused affected him, we would all be “GO CHRIS BROWN!” instead of “get this punk bitch off my radio and tv screen.
The kid doesn’t get it and b/c of that, his career his hitting the sh*t can.
Such a waste of talent.
Such an angry dumb a$$…
He should have just gotten up and walked out… like an adult.. he acted the the immature child that he is. I agree that they should let this go.. but he needs to stop acting like a douche. He is not helping himself AT ALL with this behavior.
News says he thru a chair thru the window, the idiot could have killed someone outside below.
Also last night I watched Dancing with the Stars, I got pissed when they announced that next Tues he will perform 2 numbers. I will boycott the show and any others the narcissistic punk is on.
He is an idiot. Robin from GMA couldn’t have gone any easier on him, she practically let him off the hook here. Obviously he still has a lot of anger issues and he’s NOT working on them at all! He is such an entitled jerk and it sickens me that he has 3 #1 hits from it already. UGH.
@JaNa’e:” he completed his anger management”.
He threw a chair through a window he might consider a refresher course.
Grow up, idiot.
Ugh, can I hope this destruction of ABC property will get him kicked off the Dancing with the Stars results show next week? Because I feel bad enough as a human being for watching that show, but glorifying CB in the process is a low to which I do not want to stoop.
What a douche.
I sincerely hope ABC review their decision to put him on DWTS after he vandalised their dressing room window.
He’s just an angry angry punk. You could see it in his eyes the whole interview.
He tweets what about Charlie Sheen and the other celebs and their bullshit but he just doesn’t get it. It doesn’t matter about the others. He just continues to sound like a whiny 8 year old. Even most 8 year olds know how to say sorry and mean it and try not to do it again.
So much for his career rehabilitation tour, this douche just torpedoed himself.
Why do I have the overwhelming urge to give this jacka$$ a stiletto enima?
Lainey’s take on the situation sums things up pretty well:
“That window could have been a face”.
I wish I had said that.
Good thing he has seen the error of his ways and has changed so that he is not letting his violent temper get the best of him. I would love to just kick his *ass. I know it’s violence creating more violence but I can’t help it. He’s surprised that people are still bringing up the fact that he beat a woman up. Are you kidding me? His fans can accept him or not, but that is a journalists job to ask those questions. what did he think was going to happen? We’s such a whiney little waste of space.
AHHHH the sweet smell of rehabilitation.
His look is SO hard now. The hair and tattoos just don’t cut it for me.
I just finished watching his appearance on GMA and 2 things struck me:
a) Robin only asked a few questions about the Rihanna incident, however she also didn’t really ask about anything else. She went right to the Rihanna incident for the brief 1 or 2 minutes he sat down with her and she didn’t really bring up anything else. They both seemed really uncomfortable.
b) His performance was really odd. It was full of manic dancing on his part and he used autotune the entire song. Chris Brown, despite other faults, does have a really nice voice. The autotune sucked.
For those of you who are surprised to see him performing or “turned on the radio the other day and was shocked to hear one of his songs”? Ummm, where ya been? He has had a lot of hits lately and a lot of airplay. He is CONSTANTLY on the radio.
If he did fly into a rage after this incident at GMA, then that’s too bad because he clearly still has a big problem with his temper.
Well I think we should ease up on him a little bit here. It’s been what 3 yrs or something since the incident right? He’s right about what he said about Charlie. I mean the guy held a knife to his wife’s throat and I think he hit hurt too, so I definitely understand where Chris is coming from with that.
I don’t think the interviewers that have sat with Charlie have EVEN asked him about that incident or the 911 call that she made, so I can definitely see why Chris got pissed! I think they just let Charlie rant! (u know for ratings!) I think the media is treating them differently and that’s not cool.
@ Sharylmg:
He should have just gotten up and walked out… like an adult.. he acted the the immature child that he is.
Not really. He should have answered the questions with humility.
@ 43:
Yes, let’s all pat him on the head. And you call that “incident”, really? That was aggravated battery!!!
I think it is fairly obvious that his anger management courses didn’t quite do the trick. People who have their anger ‘managed’ do not pitch fits and throw chairs out of windows. The guy obviously has some serious problems and he needs to get them sorted out before he hurts someone… else.
That interview showed some barely controlled rage. He looked like he was fighting so hard not to lash out at Roberts.
Look, the guy is a violent sociopath. He can’t handle the reprecussions of his own actions. Would we feel badly for a rapist being asked (ASKED…not re-punished) about the crimes he committed years after the fact? Especially if he was still displaying the qualities of a sexual predator?
Chris is no different. He got off BIG TIME by doing a public mea culpa. The price he has to pay is to be accountable for his actions and deal with the shitstorm he created for beating up a woman (and a very prominent one at that). He doesn’t want to, though, so he lashes out like the violent piece of dog waste he is.
The bad things you do don’t go away just because you want them to. He’s proven himself to be a violent, self-indulgent prick time and time again.
Remember what Kaiser wrote when Chris issued that video apology?
My greatest fear is that everyone will look at this video and say “Oh, okay, he really is sorry, let’s not make a big deal about this anymore.” It is a big deal, whether or not he’s contrite, whether or not that contrition is real or fake or private or public. What I’d like to hear from him is “I will never strike a woman again ever, in my life, so help me God, and if I ever break this promise, send me to jail and throw away the key.”
I, for one, am not content with whatever publicist-written half-assed self-serving apology that Chris had released. His actions today proved that he is still a piece of shit.
He’s an asshole.
That said, he’s totally right about Charlie Sheen. There’s no reason that tool should get the passes he continues to get.
Hahahhahaha, loved watching him get so pissed! Hahahahha, squirm u little a hole, squirm.
You can tell he has angry crazy eyes during the whole interview.
His look these days isn’t doing him any favors…that blonde hair is stupid..as are the totally inked-up arms.
And please…sit up straight and hold the microphone like an adult Chris…
I have a higher opinion of a steaming pile of feces than I do of this worthless piece of s$*t.
His new ‘look’ with all the tattoos and that silly hair, is hideous. And hes so obviously still a kid. His language, the way he speaks, gestures, everythin about him screams immature douche.
While it IS unfair to him that this stuff should continue to come up in interviews, thats just pop life, and he shud know it comes with the territory.
Hes not completely off the hook yet, and he doesnt seem to realize that the more fits he throws, the more people are gona bring it up in interviews. Not the brightest bulb in the bunch is he?
Everytime I wanna start liking Chris again he goes and FCUKS shit up…
Get it together Chris PLEASE!
Wow just wow! Rihanna, question for you. What could this inarticulate man ever have said to convince you to even go on a date with him?
Robin, you are my girl and everything, but were you seriously letting punk ass Chris Brown steer the direction of the interview? Why did you keep appeasing him by saying thank you for reminding me about the album? Other than that, great job in dealing with Punk Ass.
The notion that the issue is past is a false one. The issue is still current because the judge recently made changes to his original stipulation, thus the issue is NOT past. Robin’s question was a valid one; she did not ask him about the night of the assault, she asked him about his most recent trip to court and the outcome.
If his handlers, a.k.a his QUEEN, had any sort of common sense and if Chris himself possessed one atom of intelligence, the correct answer would have been, “Good question Robin. Well the judge took into account the fact that I am making every possible attempt to redeem myself and to change for the better. With that in mind, the restraining order has been modified. To date I have not been in the same venues as Rihanna, and that’s okay, because I understand that these things take time. Hurts need to heal plus I am still a work in progress. Hopefully everyone will be able to see this progress in my songs on this album.”
Easy segue into talking about his album. However, this immature, entitled, ignorant, irreverent POS lil boy could not have said that. Why? Because there is no accountability, responsibility and maturity in his songs. NO PROGRESS. He constantly alludes to and references outright these ‘haters’.
Well if I am a hater, so be it. I prefer eloquence, elocution and articulation over having fans and fame ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. Oh by the way Chris, the same folks that are disgusted by you are equally as disgusted by Carlos Estevez and his buffoonery. However, Charlie Sheen is a money making machine for his idiotic bosses and well, you know the rest.
*rant over.*
what more is there for him to do?
Um, how about stop acting like a f-cking asshole? That would be a start.
I was about to ask who the hell is even on Team Breezy anymore, but I see there are a few. His last CD was an epic fail and I hope this one is too. He deserves it. Throwing a chair at the window and glass falling into the street could have killed someone, but this freak couldn’t care less. Not one shred of remorse, which is typical for this self absorbed douche boy. I hope the other talk shows take note and cancel his appearances. Let him promote his crappy music on Twitter. It would serve him right.
Grow up CB and be a man. Instead of throwing tantrums and breaking things handle yourself in a manner that benefits you.
So much for the anger management classes he took. He has not learned anything from that incident, which goes to show that he was probably always a jerk.
He must have a low IQ. Low IQ often correlates with violent behavior due to poor impulse control and an inability to foresee consequences. Nothing excuses his beating of his girlfriend, but a low IQ would at least explain it. He cannot be smart and continue to sabotage his own career this way.
WTF is up with the blonde ‘do? And Kaiser, I co-sign on ” He’s a little bitch.” Pretty much sums it up.
How in your right mind can you defend a ‘grown-ass man’ like Chris Brown and have the audacity to publicly write it? Let me break it down for you
Doesn’t matter if it was two days ago, two years, or two decades ago, that disgusting man beat a woman till she was unconscious. You think Roman Polanski can be forgiven for an atrocious thing just because he did decades ago? NO.
No one is saying he doesn’t have the right to ‘move on’. But part of moving on is taking responsibility for what happened and ACTUALLY MEANING AN APOLOGY. He keeps tweeting about his ‘enemies’ and how he’s the victim. Just because he did some lame-ass community service does not mean he understood the gravity and error of what he did. He still has NO respect for women, or any self-respect for that matter to properly live with what he did. Moving on would be changing into a respectful young man with remorse and a new found sense of responsibility.
If you’re cutting him slack, then you really have no respect for survivors of violence against women, or empathy with a woman like Rihanna. Because as far as statistics go, 1 in 4 women who you know will have experienced some type of inter-relationship violence like her.
No excuses for the monsters like CB. I’m actually glad he was called out on it and revealed his true colours.
On a recent Chris Brown post, there was a commentor supporting Chris Brown and telling us all to believe he was truly sorry and was changing his ways. Anyone else remember that? No shock that Chris Brown proved the commentor wrong.
Complete and absolute psycho. He shouldn’t be comparing his situation to other people and how he’s being treated in the media for being a woman-beater. He should be thinking about how to not be a violent sociopath. I think a lot of people are still on the warpath about this because he shows absolutely no remorse for what he did; none.
He gives “apologies” like a child apologizes for stealing candy-“I’m sorry I got caught”. People would respect him if he went on some kind of lecture tour about abuse and how he’s learned to control his anger issues, but he has clearly not found a way to do that and he doesn’t care to find a way as long as he has fans who don’t care.
Those same fans are probably growing up in and around situations where they deal with violent people all the time so they don’t see it as a big deal and are even defending him as though beating one’s significant other is a fact of life or is an easily rectifiable mistake. “He/she only hits me when he/she is drunk/only hits me when i do something wrong and I deserve it/it was only one time, so it wasn’t that bad”.
I think people leave Charlie Sheen alone because he’s clearly on drugs and not in his right mind. Chris Brown was not on drugs or drinking when he beat the hell out of Rihanna. He had a clear mind to actually kill her if he could manage but he didn’t quite do it because she fought back.
That is the reality of the situation and why many many people, rightfully, will never forgive him unless he shows some modicum of contrition.
Until then, he’s the pus beneath a scab to me.
Smashing a window is a great way to show that he is over his violent past. Never liked Brown anyway. He should start thinking about the consequences of his actions. He could have hurt many people by breaking the window. I guess he will never grow up… a little boy is what he will always be.
As much as Chris Brown has a major personality problem, those of you wishing his latest music releases would fail, unfortunately the opposite has happened.
Deuces was #1 on the R&B/Hip Hop charts for like 7 or 8 weeks this fall. Right now he has 2 singles in the top 10 R&B/Hip Hop charts– NO BS and Look at Me Now. Look at Me Now is also on the Hot 100 chart, but not sure where– somewhere in the Top 20, I think. Yeahx3 is constantly on the radio, I’m not sure what charts it made when it was first released.
Wow Chris really? Don’t beat the sh*t outta someone and expect the world to forget about it. You SHOULD BE EXPECTING those questions and you should have had a calm legit answer for them.. not throw a damn chair thru a window! GROW UP!!
How long before Whoppie “it wasn’t rape, rape” Goldberg starts to defend his abusive a$$ because he didn’t “beat, beat” his GF he only just ‘beat’ her and tells everyone that we should feel bad for him? Or Jodie Foster tells us all what a sweet guy he is deep down, under all the anger and violence… These hollywood people just irk me to no end. Those insensitive jackholes would defend Hitler if he had a good agent.
This was a test. He could have showed that all the anger managment had worked and he had really changed by the way he handled this situation, but instead he’s only made it obvious that he hasn’t taken care of his anger issues.
Not only has he shown that he hasn’t changed himself fundementally, now his behavior has shown the drama loving media that if they keep on taking about the incident he will provide them with drama to increase their rating. His behavior today has pretty much guarenteed that he will continue to be asked about what he did to Rihanna.
I sadi it the first time I heard about this issue. Ike Turner. This guy is the second coming of that ass. With today’s incident I think he effectively ended his career. No one wants or needs to put up with that kind of BS.
@goodnessgracious — you would be a great publicist!
This young man is a perfect reason as to why one should not remain in an abusive relationship. It’s why schools and educators need to start teaching about domestic violence starting in grade school. It’s why legislation needs to be more severe against abusive domestic partners.
I’m not defending his actions AT ALL. However, he was raised in an environment of abuse ( I believe his mother was abused by his step-father). He learned from a young age that violence, zero self control, and blaming others for his misbehavior is the only and appropriate way to resolve conflict.
Abuse is a vicious cycle, and we as a society need to do more to ensure that there are less Chris Browns, and less Rihanna’s.
I hope this is the final nail in this asses coffin… He’s acting like a pathetic toddler having a temper tantrum in the middle of the grocery store…
I hope ABC called the cops and will have him pay to fix the window he broke, and I hope his probation is revoked and he ends up in jail where he should have gone from the get go.
This guy is so desperate for people to forget that he could have killed a girl and wanted people to think those anger management classes did him wonders. Yeah, I think once a sociopathic ass, always a sociopathic ass.
PS Sisquo called from 1998 and really wanted his hair back…
totally agree with #47, couldn’t have said it better. good quote from kaiser too.
@jinni, I think you make a very good point about this only prolonging him being asked those sorts of questions for ratings.
@goodness gracious – exactly! There are so many things he could have said, like you suggested. Instead he has a hissy fit, and then rants on twitter. Good grief.
Side note: Why did he rip his shirt off? Is the incredible Hulk or something? What an idiot.
Sad thing is the girls that like him will like him more after this. It reminds me of the women who were hardcore OJ supporters. This guy is a baby OJ.
I have no patience for Charlie Sheen or Chris Brown.
Applauding your articulate and concise analysis.
I totally agree!
Common Sense should have told him that!
Chris Brown and Charlie Sheen are prime examples of how
‘Common Sense’ isn’t so common after all!
They invited him on the show to perform and talk about his album. I’m sure no one said, “Hey, Chris, come on up this morning so we can re-hash your felony conviction.”
I think he’s a p.o.s. for what he did, but alas, many celebs are — and their faults and crimes are overlooked over and over and over again.
Rihanna herself perpetuates this story through her music and by discussing it in interviews.
And yet we continue to blame this guy. The fact is that he hasn’t assaulted anyone since. He’s angry and juvenile, but he must be feeling tremendous pressure and frustration.
Charlie Sheen is allowed to sell out stadiums.
So what’s going on here?
OMG he is so dumb. How do those ppl even get up there?! No great talent, no personality, no great looks neither, nothing special about him! I could probably find 10 better candidates to be a famous singer every day out on the streets!
He could have used that to his benefit… answer those questions smartly… but he’s too dumb to even realize that…
It makes me lose faith in ppl even more to learn that he still has followers…
Sorry even if they invited him to talk about the album, the very fact that the restraining order was relaxed and was news recently should have been an indication that the issue would come up again.
People never forget.
The fact that interviewers keep bringing it up too is likely a VERY good indication that the public doesn’t feel he has done enough to get back into their good graces.
And I agree.
He’s a punk with an over inflated sense of entitlement. I wish it had been Ricky Gervais interviewing him instead of nice lil Ms. Fake laughy pants there Robin Roberts.
“They invited him on the show to perform and talk about his album. I’m sure no one said, “Hey, Chris, come on up this morning so we can re-hash your felony conviction.” ”
Actually, the show got his permission to ask about it.
“Rihanna herself perpetuates this story through her music and by discussing it in interviews.”
yup, and she has every right to. SHE was the VICTIM. and if making songs and talking about it helps her move on, that’s her right.
“And yet we continue to blame this guy.”
and why SHOULDN’T we?! HE hit HER. Repeatedly. Savagely. and clearly he has no remorse for it, just for the way he’s been treated since it happened. just last week he referred to it as a “mishap”. he always says things like “what happened” when he refers to it…not WHAT HE DID, but what happened…as if he had nothing to do with it. HE DOESN’T GET IT. and I doubt he ever will.
“The fact is that he hasn’t assaulted anyone since.”
that we know of. but he did destroy private property in a rage. and not just kicking a door. he threw a chair at a window and shattered it. not exactly the model of someone who’s been through, and LEARNED, anger management.
“but he must be feeling tremendous pressure and frustration.”
aw…poor widdle guy. maybe if he learned to show remorse, and stopped being a rage-filled douche, he’d stop feeling so pressured and frustrated.
“Charlie Sheen is allowed to sell out stadiums”
“allowed”? no one is preventing Brown from selling out stadiums except Brown himself. he can book one. the tickets don’t sell. that has nothing to do with being “allowed” to sell them out…it’s the public’s choice to buy them or not.
if people are stupid (or morbid) enough to pay to see the train-wreck that is Charlie Sheen, again, that’s their choice.
@PraiseStAngie!—thank you!
@filtycute—why tf are you defending him? How about waiting until he has years of good behavior and working hard on his sh!t before you start defending him. In less than 2 yrs, the guy has shown that he is violent and lets his emotions take over. And those are the only incidents we know about. I’m betting there is a really, really good chance there are more.
@filthycute – “and yet we continue to blame this guy” …
Erm, okay, who do you blame?
How utterly stupid.
I have one question to ask filthycute, JaNa’e and whomever defends this guy: If Chris Brown did that to you, your sister, mom, friend, aunt, cousin,or _________ (fill in the blank), would you say “OMG THAT WAS TWO YEARS AGO!”
F*CKING IDIOTS FOR DEFENDING THIS P.O.S.!!! He OBVIOUSLY still has anger management issues and is CLEARLY not sorry for his actions…..but, then again, that was two years ago….oh, wait, that was F*CKING TODAY that he threw a chair at a window in anger.
We continue to “blame this guy” because HE IS THE ONE WHO PUNCHED HER IN THE FACE!! There is NO ONE ELSE to blame.
And dahlia1947 – it was 2 years ago, not 3 and it wasn’t an “incident” – he beat the shit out of her. Here’s a refresher http://urbancelebs.spreadit.org/rihanna-beat-up-pics-pictures-of-rihanna-after-beating/
Since when did Sisqo have a comeback?
I just played the interview. I think he’s a bigger piece of shit than I originally thought. She asked him TWO QUESTIONS and he didn’t really even answer them. She was VERY NICE to him in the interview. I really can’t believe this is what set him off. I’m just astonished actually.
@filthycute and all the other CB apologists – if he’d done that to you, would you feel the same way? Please get a grip and look at the BOY you are all defending. Not only did he beat his girlfriend unconscious, years later he’s STILL EXPLODING WITH ANGER. What has he learned? No matter the frustration, dude has got to pay his dues and going to ‘therapy’ and picking up trash does not cut it! The fact that another celebrity is getting away with appalling behaviour does not excuse CB’s actions. He should focus on himself and get the help he so desperately needs.
I honestly fear this guy is going to hurt someone else before he gets the help that he needs.
@Jana’e; a truly remorseful person does not get violent no matter how many times they are asked about their past deeds.
he could have hit a person if they tried to restrain him.
d main problem is d uncontrolled rage which makes him still dangerous.
i think they should make him repair d broken window with his own hands maybe that will bring home d point to him more.
I’m not supporting anyone be violent. But here we have Charlie Sheen who pulled a knife of his now ex wife and the whole world just grabbing their popcorn, thinking his crazy is entertainment. Same thing with Lindsay Lohan, it’s all fun and they still get to do whatever they want. Anger problems is just like a drug addiction, it takes time. I’m kind of sick of everyone shitting on Chris Brown yet buying tickets to see some crazy lunatic talk about winning.
@ahem—This is a post about Chris Brown so of course people are going to be talking sh!t about him. And he deserves every bit until he takes responsibility and deals w/his issues. CS and LL are a whole other topic.
I watched the interview on TV this morning and was surprised by the rudeness of his tone (“The album, it’s all on the album”) and his passive aggressive body language. I’m not surprised to hear that he freaked out afterward.
Seriously, we are all supposed to sit up and take notice because he has a new album to sell? He was probably only invited on GMA because of his history with Rhianna. This would have been the perfect opportunity to show humility and redeem himself in front of a mainstream audience, instead he just came off looking like an ignorant thug. What a douche.
I posted this on the other Chris Brown article today, but I feel like I needs to be posted here too (I’m not spamming! Just curious about people’s thoughts!):
As far as the Charlie Sheen/Mel Gibson comparisons – what about the fact that Chris Brown’s demographic is YOUNG, IMPRESSIONABLE kids, whereas Mel and Charlie aren’t? I feel like that deserves considering.
I wonder how we would respond if, say, The Bieber flipped and beat the crap out of Selena Gomez. Would he be forgiven in 3 years, or would he still face scrutiny? I kind of feel like it would depend on how he handled it.
I wish more people felt contempt for Charlie Sheen. The whole situation grosses me out.
Hi all –
I watched my father beat my mother when I was a child and make no excuses for men who abuse women. Just pointing out another angle on this.
Frankly, I’m sick of hearing about him.
You all need to relax with the kneejerk reactions.
I didn’t read some of the incensed reactions and won’t. I also won’t respond in kind…not interested in fighting on-line over Chris Brown.
Thanks for all those who understood my points.
@JoleenMean, you are spot on with your observation. THAT is what irked me most of all. How rude was that boy’s tone?
Gosh this person IS scary!!!!
I believe Charlie Sheen comparisons are justified. Anyone who is a celebrity or public figure should take responsibilities for their actions.
Chris Brown is young…but Charlie Sheen is in fact a role model to children…HIS children.
There is a double standard. Period. I’m not black and I think it is ultimately a thing of race.
Please…if Justin Bieber hit his gf, no one would care. They would welcome him back into the spotlight with open arms. Period.
He is a loser and he needs to face the music. I don’t want him as a role model for Black young men.
UGH. A part of me doesn’t even want to waste my time commenting on this man. But he really needs to get out of the business.
Oh so just another ‘mishap’ again eh CB. God I can’t stand this a**hole.
Nobody is giving Sheen or hypothetical Bieber any passes, get real.
I’ve been saying all year that this prick hasn’t learned a damn thing from his assault of Rihanna to my friends and they have argued me up and down about it and lo behold we see he throws a chair at a window because Robyn asked him two ‘soft’ questions referencing to the assault. She didn’t even play hardball with him to warrant any anger! What’s frightening is how violent his reaction was to those ‘soft’ questions!
He’s violent and he WILL abuse again! Like Lainey said:
” That window could have been a face”
He could have killed somebody. I hope that ahole goes straight to prison and is promptly forgotten.
“Failed Anger Management Education”
what a giant douche!
Personally, I have no use for Chris Brown, even lesser use for Charlie Sheen, and I loathe Mel Gibson. I’m not really seeing a double standard – all three of them got off easy for their abhorrent actions. Chris Brown continues to sell his music, he continues to have fans on twitter, he continues to get attention. He’s still making money. Charlie Sheen is riding his trainwreck life to moneytown. Mel, at the moment, is not very bankable and we’ll see if he earns the wages from his sins when and if “The Beaver” finds wide release. All three men have their apologists and their “fans”. And all three are despicable.
Fuck this guy. He doesn’t deserve an iota of success until he gets his shit right, and even then it’s debatable. What he did was the worst part by far, but that he still refuses to own up to what he did and LITERALLY thinks he is a victim just makes him even more pathetic and vulgar. Men like him should be treated like what they are: complete scum. I hope he falls hard before he wakes the hell up, cause he needs it big.
And I feel the same way about Mel Gibson and all other clueless women-beating assholes, ftr. He too was far more concerned with his career during that time than with getting counselling, soul-searching, speculating on the damage he’s done to the woman, the REAL victim, and not just physically. No, just like Chris Brown he was frantically trying to save what career he had left. If you think it’s merely a race thing, possibly you are projecting. Domestic violence happens in all races and is despicable no matter. Don’t make it about that. Charlie Sheen is an isolated (and unfortunate) incident. He is providing a sick kind of entertainment to twisted individuals because he is very much in the midst of a public meltdown, they are hardly celebrating his woman-beating skillz. His fallout will come when said individuals move on to the next freak show.
@coffeetalk: Spot on
@liana it is a double standard when cinsidering lindsays been ostracized
hollywood and culture at large adopts BOYS WILL BE BOYS EXCUSE AND CONDEMNS WOMEN
z about male privilige
Somebody needs to mop up America with his ass. Please.
ahem – I don’t like or condone Chris Brown, Charlie Sheen OR Lindsay Lohan. How can they get so lucky as to be born in this country and make it big, and be so freaking stupid as to disrespect that dumb luck? Karma’s a bitch, especially when she’s late to the party….
Chris do u tin man and f..k this ppl.i blame the presenter too,u saw chris was not ready to talk abt that matter then u u still keep on asking.why!!!leave him alone and let him get on with his life
Great role model for the young people, just great.
Just a few words,
I remember when this thing first blew up. I was listening to the radio, flipping between various stations, and I noticed that on the “white” stations, Brown was condemned, while on the “black” stations he was defended (primarily by black women). These defenders were young but not sooo young as to be not be upsetting, early twenties at least. I hope that isn’t still the case. Whether or not race is an issue in this doesn’t change that young black men do not need to be taking lessons from Brown (unless it’s James, and EARLY James, or Jim). If white people want to glorify Sheen or Lohan, it only hurts them, doesn’t it? Young African-American men face enough difficulties without being influenced in the wrong directions by black celebrities. If whites are doing something wrong, it is jumping on every case of a black man doing wrong with their teeth bared and ready for blood, just perpetuating the stereotypes (many of them don’t understand what else stereotypes perpetuate). The way to better a group of people is to hold them to a higher standard, and African-Americans have done very well at this for themselves. If whites don’t wish to do the same, they will only degrade themselves, or, I should say, continue to degrade themselves. I’m white, so all you racists know what color to shoot for. Peace
Do know that this is not a man, this is a total bitch! No man would behave this way, but a bitch will bitch all day. And to top his punk butt he is violent! He is nothing but vomit, I wish he would pull one of his bitch violent tempers in jail ……..it is where his punk azz belongs! A little bitch is exactly what he is! Smells like a little bitch, walks like a little bitch, and acts like a little bitch……. guess what boys and girls: its a pathetic little bitch!
I truly have no hard feelings, he just let his anger get the best of him. . . . and im sure he feels horrible about it. Me myslef watching it, felt awkward about the things she was saying. You could tell he didnt want that whole “Rihanna” incident to be brought up at that time. So Chris, you didnt loose my support<3
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